Galvanized steel wires

The galvanized steel wires correspond to the technical SAPREM specification ESP 06.01.01 based on the regulations: UNE EN 50189 and IEC 60888. The galvanized steel wires must have a smooth surface, cylinder, with a section almost constant, without fissures, folds or others defects, that can damage the hardness.

The quality of the zinc for the galvanized will be 99,80%.

  • Area density of coating minimum grs/m2
    Ø wire 1,70 to 1,99 – 240 grs/m2
    Ø wire 2,00 to 2,24 – 270 grs/m2
    Ø wire 2,25 to 2,74 – 320 grs/m2
    Ø wire 3,00 to 3,49 – 340 grs/m2
    Ø wire 3,50 to 5,20 – 360 grs/m2
  • Permissible variations in diameter (mm) of the wires
    1,78 to 2,54 ± 0,05 mm
    2,54 to 4,04 + 0,10 / – 0,075
  • Mechanical characteristics for the galvanized steel wire
    • Tensile strength
      Ø minor or equal to 2,54 140/155 Kgs/mm2
      Ø mayor to 135/150 Kgs/mm2
    • Elongation: mayor to 4%.
  • The resistance to the torsions for a sample of length 100D (100Ø) will at least 16 complete revolutions.

Aluminium alloy wires

The aluminium alloy wires correspond to the technical SAPREM specification ESP. 06.01.02,based on standards: UNE EN 50183 and IEC 60104. The aluminium alloy wires must have a smooth surface, cylinder, with section almost constant, without fissures, folds or others defects that can damage the hardness. Must be free of inclusions from others materials, in special way of copper.

  • Permissible variations in diameter (mm) of the wires
    ≥ 2,50 mm. ± 1 %
    < < 2,50 mm. ± 0,025 mm
  • Mechanical characteristics of the aluminium alloy wires
    • Tensile Strength: Greater than 31.5 Kgs/mm2
    • Elongation: Greater than 4%

Aluminium clad steel wires by compression (ACS)

The Aluminium Clad Steel (ACS) wires correspond to the technical SAPREM specification ESP 06.01.03, based on the standards: UNE EN 61232. The ACS wires must have a smooth surface, cylinder,with a section almost constant, without fissures, folds or others defects that can damage the hardness. Solders will not be allowed in the finished wire. The thickness of aluminium layer, will not be minor than the 10% of the nominal radius of the wire.

  • Permissible variations in diameter (mm) of the wires
    ≥ to 2,67 mm. ± 1,5 %
    < to 2,67 mm. ± 0,04 mm
  • Mechanical characteristics of the ACS wires
Nominal Ø in mm Tensile Strength Kgs/mm2
2,59 137
2,90 137
3,26 133
3,66 127
4,12 120

The resistance to the torsion in a sample of length 100D (100Ø), will be major than 20 complete revolutions.

Copper clad steel wires (CCS)

The Copper Clad Steel wires (CCS) correspond to the technical Saprem specification ESP 06.01.05, if the wires are of 1/2D, or to the Saprem specification 06.01.06, if the wires are E.H.S.30%. These specifications are based on A.S.T.M. B227 standard and UNE 207014. The CCS wires must have a smooth surface, cylinder, with section almost constant, without fissures, folds or other defect that can damage the hardness. It will not allowed solders in the finished wire. The minimum thickness of copper layer will be 6% of the radius of the wire. It will not allowed solders in the finished wire. The minimum thickness of copper layer will be 6% of the radius of the wire.

  • Permissible variations in diameter Ø of the wire: ±1,5 %
  • Mechanical characteristics of the CCS E.H.S. 30% wires
Nominal Ø in mm. Tensile Strength Kgs/mm2 Elongation %
2,59 126 1,5
2,90 122 ¨
3,26 120 ¨
3,66 115 ¨
4,11 110 ¨
  • Mechanical characteristics of CCS 1/2D wires:
    • Tensile strength Kgs/mm2: > 63 and < 80 Kgs/mm2
    • Min. Elongation: 1,5 %

The resistance to the torsion in a sample of length 100D (100Ø) will be major than 20 complete revolutions.

[gview file="https://saprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MATERIAS_PRIMAS_OK.pdf"]